Wyndham Rewards is Wyndham Hotel Group's loyalty programme, where members can earn points or airline miles for their stay.
Wyndham Rewards is the world's largest Hotel rewards programme offering over 7,000 participating locations across 12 hotel brands where you can earn free nights, airline tickets, gift cards and so much more. With twelve brands and over 7,000 locations across the globe, we have more hotels than anyone else in the world. So wherever you want to be, whatever you want to do, chances are we're already there. And when you sign up for Wyndham Rewards, you're guaranteed to earn enough points to get a reward with each and every qualified stay.
Earn points or miles for your qualifying hotel stays - it's up to you. Plus, earn more points with partners.With Wyndham Rewards you can choose the rewards you truly desire. Choose the reward you want. From free nights to gift cards, merchandise to magazines, the possibilities are endless. From American Airlines AAdvantage® Miles to Home Depot, Days Inn to Sea World, you're sure to find the rewards of your dreams-for less points than you might imagine.
In addition to the points earned, you will be offered with exclusive member benefits at participating hotels.
Join Wyndham Rewards today! It's free and easy to join. Kindly approach our front desk at check-in or visit www.wyndhamrewards.com